Saturday, January 30, 2021

Hevercourt, Goodwood Crescent, Singlewell, Gravesend, DA12 5EY

– there are some services which we can’t rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. We think it’s important you have detailed, comprehensive information so that you can decide which care providers to shortlist. This is the latest available inspection report for this service, carried out on 22nd January 2010. It is an annual review prepared by CQC after examining previous reports and information from the provider.

The Home Services Directory on this website provides an opportunity to promote your services. Entries are completely free, and we’re happy to work with you to ensure your service are presented in a way you’re happy with. Our HousingCare PLUS and PREMIUM subscription services offer additional branding, links to your own site, ‘vacancy / availability ads’ and much more. If you have a home to sell, you may be able to use the proceeds to pay the deposit on a new property and take out a ‘lifetime mortgage’ to cover the rest of the cost. If you simply want to move to a more suitable non-retirement home, and need help or advice with this, our EAC Advice service is here to help you. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service.

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The Hollies Residential Home cares for elderly The Care Quality Commission has monitored The Hollies Residential Home since January 2011. National Autistic Society - Respite Care 27 Overcliffe, Gravesend, DA11 0EH National Autistic Society - Respite Care is a small care residence situated in Gravesend, with two beds. The home caters for adults of all ages including people with learning disabilities. The Care Quality Commission has monitored the residency since March 2013. Gravesham Place Integrated Care Centre 22-22a Stuart Road, Gravesend, DA11 0BZ ★★★☆ Gravesham Place Integrated Care Centre is run by Kent County Council.

hevercourt care home

Our site provides information about every retirement scheme, development or village in the UK, to help you make the right choice. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. We reviewed the information and data available to us about Hevercourt on 3 November 2022.

Specialisms / services

If HOOP doesn't provide all the information you need, submit your HOOP session to us to arrange a conversation with an EAC Advisor. EAC Advice is a free, specialist and independent telephone advice service provide by the charity Elderly Accommodation Counsel . – the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. Every registered care provider in the UK can claim a free listing on Autumna. However, a paid subscription allows more information to be added and as a result a higher profile score. Orchard Cottage is a small care residence situated in Gravesend housing a maximum of ten individuals.

hevercourt care home

These services tackle smaller repair jobs, including installing safety & security devices. They are provided by many local Age UKs as well as other organisations. Care services offered to people in housing-with-care facilities are regulated, subject to periodic inspections and awarded grades.

Echo Square House

The residency also accepts individuals with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia and sensory impairment. EAC sees itself, and this website, as one source of ‘housing options’ information and advice for older people and their families. But there are many other organisations providing valuable services, both locally and nationally. The Provider has not yet updated their profile and added details of the services and facilities they offer.

hevercourt care home

Wherever possible, Inspectorate reports and grades are accessible from the housing-with-care pages on this website. This site offers providers of services, accommodation and related advice a free opportunity to advertise what you do. The site’s 4 million visitors a year comprise roughly 45% older people, 45% younger family and relatives, and 10% professionals who work with older people. Some care homes are registered to provide personal care only, for example help with washing, dressing and giving medication. Others also provide nursing, and will have a nurse on duty twenty-four hours a day. Care homes are regulated by independent Inspectorates in each country of the UK, subject to periodic inspections and awarded quality grades.

Type of care provided by this organisation

The home provides care for up to 39 older people living with frailty or dementia. Wombwell Hall Care Home Wombwell Gardens, Northfleet, Gravesend, DA11 8BL ★★☆☆ Wombwell Hall Care HomeLocated in a peaceful part of Northfleet, near Gravesend, Wombwell Hall is a friendly care home, offering nursing care. Terminal and palliative care are also offered by the home.The TeamOur extensively trained team will deliver all the specialist care and support servi...

The Care Centre is part of a complex, which includes Gravesend Community Hospital and a day care centre. Kent County Council work closely with the Primary Care Trust, which runs the hospital and day centre, and which supplies n... The Chestnuts Care Home Wrotham Road, Meopham, Gravesend, DA13 9AH ★★★☆ The Chestnuts Care Home is a medium size residental home located in Gravesend, with 29 beds.

Care Home: Hevercourt

We have not found evidence that we need to reassess the rating at this stage. This home accommodates 46 residents in 43 single and 3 shared rooms. Facilities are available for family or friends to stay overnight.

There is often a substantial difference between fees charged to those who can afford the costs themselves and those who receive help from their Local Authority. A majority of homes aim to cater for both, but some target only one or the other. Those run by private operators more often focus on lifestyle, with help and care services discretely available to buy if or when required. Both ownership and rental options are commonly available, as well as alternative ways of paying for the services on offer – including part deferring payment until a property is sold.

The UK's largest & most detailed directory of elderly care and retirement living options

Housing-with-care is a recent but natural evolution of retirement housing to provide an environment capable of enabling older people to maintain their independence even if they become physically or mentally frail. It includes all 11,500 registered care homes in the UK that cater exclusively or primarily for older people. There is no charge whatsoever to appear in it, and we welcome a photo and descriptive text to enhance the presentation of your home. We have recently been able to open EAC Advice, a new 'housing options' advice service for older people.

Our National Housing for Older People Awards celebrate examples of successful retirement housing and housing-with-care. We frame our offer around ‘home’ because we understand its importance for everyone. But also because planning ahead may be needed to ensure that where you live now is ‘age proofed’, and that if you wish to consider moving, you have good information and advice to help you understand all your options.

So, if they can't deal with any particular medical condition, they refer the patient to the specialized hospital for tests, treatment, or to see a consultant with specialist knowledge. Our Housing Directory aims to include all housing schemes /developments in the UK that are intended for older people. Search our library for a wide range of other reading materials. Getting older can make it more difficult to get around and do the things you used to do, or would like to do. If affording work to your home is an issue, Age UK’s factsheet Home improvements and repairs is a good read, as is OneFamily’s webpage How to fund home improvements.

hevercourt care home

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